For International Customer / 海外のお客様へ
International Shipping / 海外への配送について
tokyobike does not offer international shipping. tokyobike does not accept liability in relation to shipping arranged by the purchaser directly with an international freight provider. Our products are packaged for land transport, and we cannot be held liable for damages or incidents as a result of any other freight method. Use of our products outside of Japan will void the product warranty. Products purchased in Japan are not eligible for warranty claims, returns or exchanges at international tokyobike stores or stockists. We thank you for your understanding.
なお、日本国外での使用は製品保証の対象外となると同時に、日本で購入された商品に関しては、日本国外でのTokyobike Shop及びtokyobike取扱店において、補償及び交換・キャンセルなどの対応は行っておりません。ご了承ください。